Check the Current & Historical Tax & MOT status of any vehicle

Enter the registration number (number plate) below:

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Who we are are a London based vehicle data office who offer one of the most comprehensive vehicle reports in the UK. Our systems source vehicle information from multiple databases and are designed to be fast, accurate and user friendly. Simply enter your car registration number and follow the steps to your vehicle report. We provide current Tax and MOT results as well as historical.

Why check a vehicles tax?

Every vehicle in the UK requires an application for road tax, and since the tax disc scrappage millions of cars are without tax. When checking your road tax why not take advantage of our road tax reminder service.

Why check an MOT?

There are 38.4 million vehicles in the UK and every one of them requires a valid MOT certificate. The MOT will determine if a vehicle is roadworthy or not, so it is extremely important that an MOT check report is processed before any vehicle is purchased.